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Great Granny’s Blog
This blog serves as a conduit between Frechia’s imaginative world and your own, offering regular insights into the simple pleasures that make life extraordinary. Enjoy!
Launch of my sequel
Since my sequel LIFE IS LMONADE WITH PEACHES AND CREAM launched middle of July 2024, life has been...
How my sequel came to be..
I know I am terrible at blogging, and I do apologize. I am busy living my life and marketing and...
How My 2nd edition came to be.
So why would I do a second edition of Great Granny and Her Yucky Old Cat? A new version of my...
Continuation of my first blog
Hello. I took a break from blogging because I was busy writing my sequel. But I am back and ready...
My first blog!
Hello There. I am Frechia Glass Collins Winchell. Great Granny and Her Yucky Old Cat is my first...
About Great Granny’s Blog
Welcome to ‘Great Granny’s Blog,’ where whimsy meets wisdom through the written word. Here, Frechia Collins Winchell, the author of ‘Great Granny and Her Yucky Old Cat,’ shares her reflections on life, the importance of family bonds, and the value of storytelling. From anecdotes that inspired her writing to tales that evoke nostalgia, each post is a celebration of the joys and learnings from different generations.